
Archive for January, 2017

The Toby and Ollie combo!


Its been over 9 months since Toby arrived and its safe to say he and Ollie are well and truly established, especially at home. As long as I am able to roam the local woods, meadows and hills at least twice a day they are pretty well behaved around the house. My recent knee injury which has kept me house bound for the last few weeks has clearly reminded me that if spaniels don’t get to use up their energy, life at home gets challenging. Fortunately a good local dog walker and my slow recovery, which allows me to at least hobble to the nearby fields,  has released the pressure. Both dogs seem a lot happier now and so do I. Since Toby’s first grooming in the summer his winter coat has grown back  and keeping him warm in the frosty weather. Once I’m fit again Toby’s training will resume and both he and Ollie will hopefully enjoy  some agility classes I plan to engage them in around springtime. Looking forward to an exciting 2017!

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